Hadassah's Song

Lize Hadassah Olivier
It was 2019 on the Feast of Trumpets, when I was sitting behind the piano, wearing a wedding dress, singing with a
beautiful orchestra in the background. It was one of the most special evenings of my life, and for some reasoI was wondering
if my ‘husband to be’ might be there, seeing me for the first time in a wedding dress.
2 Days later I flew up to Namibia to visit friends of mine. While waiting for my luggage at Windhoek airport, Bertie & Yolandé Olivier came walking towards me and introduced themselves, saying that they just flew down to Cape Town for the Feast of Trumpets Event we hosted. We happen to be on the same flight to Windhoek. From that day onwards we became friends and started walking a journey together, even though we lived in separate countries. The path that they were on was a challenging
one. Yolandé was diagnosed with cancer in 2018. But even through the fire, they continued to praise and worship
Abba Father and kept their faith in Him. Last year though, her pain esculated. When she went for another scan,
they saw that it metastasize to her liver. Still then, they kept their eyes on Him, trusting that He knows what He is doing and
that her life is in His hands. Soon after, they received scripture and a promise over her life which encouraged them greatly.
John 12:24 –“A single grain of wheat will never be more than a single grain of
wheat unless it drops into the ground and dies. Because then it sprouts and
produces a great harvest of wheat – all because one grain died.”
She received the promise that what she was going through was not all in vain, and that an abundant harvest will come
from her life. It was during that time, that the Lord gave me a song called ‘Finally Home’.
When I finished writing the song, I knew that this song described exactly Yolandé’s journey. I sent it to her and Bertie,
after which they asked me if I would come up to Namibia to sing the song on the ‘celebration day’ of her life afer Yeshua
comes to fetch her. I immediately agreed, but soon after, Yolandé sent me another voicenote, asking me if it is possible to
come up earlier, and then maybe we still have some time together before she goes to her eternal Home. I just knew that I
knew that I needed to go and be with her. A day later I drove up to Namibia and arrived on the farm where they were
staying at that time. I was privileged enough to spend another 8 days with her, before Yeshua came to fetch her.
It was the biggest honour to walk her final steps with her until she reached the finishing line. A time I will always treasure,
although I didn’t feel worthy and couldn’t understand fully why Abba Father picked me to be with her in her final days.
She left behind her husband Bertie, and 6 beautiful children, the youngest 3, and the eldest 17.
But Abba had a beautiful plan in store. Following her passing, Abba started developing a deep love inside my heart for Bertie,
and vice versa. He showed me that He has been preparing me all this time for the journey which was about to unfold.
We recently got married, and I am standing in awe of Abba’s goodness in my life. To be married to a God fearing man,
who loves Abba Father more than anything else, and only wants to serve Him, is the biggest blessing!
I didn’t just become a wife, but also a Mommy to 6 children. Everything that the enemy has tried to steal in my life has
literally been restored back to me 7 times. I didn’t always understand why I had to wait so long, but now I realize that
all this time, while I was in waiting, Abba Father was busy writing my beautiful love story. He truly came and turned ashes
into beauty, and mourning into dancing!
Yolandé left me the most precious gifts behind. She will always be remembered
and live on in our hearts. A while back, Abba Father dropped in my spirit, that she and I were like a relay team. She has
finished her part of the race and passed the batton to me. Now I trust Abba Father that He will help me and give me the
strength and capacity to reach my finishing line. All glory to the King of Kings!!!
Isaiah 61:3 – “To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.”