Hadassah's Song

Lize Hadassah Olivier
Lord, there’s a war raging outside
And I feel I am caught in the middle sometimes
Help me to keep my eyes on You
In the middle of all this ugliness
I know that there is still beauty to be found
Help me to see what You see
And even though these days are so dark
I know before the beginning of time
You have chosen me, to be here right now
So I thank You today that You have sent me out
Into this broken world, to be Your light
I know that this is all temporary
Oh, I can’t wait until I stand
There face to face and hear You say
My child, You’re finally Home
Oh, I look forward to that day
When You say, “Well done My child,
You have kept the faith, you have run the race
You’re finally Home”
Lord, I know that my life on earth brings a harvest
And I know when I leave I will be with You
Sometimes I admit, Im torn between these two
So help me not to loose heart
These light afflictions are but for a moment
There’s a far more exceeding and eternal reward
Oh, I can’t wait until I stand
There face to face and hear You say
My child, You’re finally Home
Oh, I look forward to that day
When You say, “Well done My child,
You have kept the faith, you have run the race
You’re finally Home
I have kept my eyes on You all the time
I saw your struggles, I saw your pain
I heard you everytime when you called My name
I was there for you when You thought I left
And when You felt that You’d reached the end of your rope
I breathed my life into every dried dead bone
I have kept my eyes on You all the time
I saw your struggles, I saw your pain
I heard you everytime when you called My name
And whhen you felt forsaken, when you felt all alone
I whispered in your ear
You’re almost Home
You’re almost Home
Oh I can’t wait until I stand
There face to face and hear You say
“My child, You’re finally Home”
I look forward to that day
When You say
“Well done my child, You have kept the faith
You have run the race
You’re finally Home
You’re finally Home
You’re finally Home
I knew you would come
I knew you’d choose Me
Above all things
You’re finally Home”